Our relationship with government is evolving.

Insurance has always been an essential way of meeting the demands of a changing world but its provision in key areas of life is increasingly being undertaken by the state. People expect the state to step in – especially since the pandemic. Our relationship is evolving but where does that leave the balance of risk …

Know your market and making your mark

Working with one of the UK’s larger specialist insurance legal services suppliers, we helped them understand the culture within one of their key markets and then create the strategy to raise awareness and expand their position within it. As part of this process we managed a perception research and insight project that not only looked …

How will Environmental Risks impact global companies in the future

A vast amount of evidence seems to suggest that the frequency and severity of environmental ‘events’ is increasing, with significant risk exposure and threat across both the developed and developing world. We were appointed to carry out a broad ranging series of interviews with corporate clients, to better understand their view on future risks and …

Understanding Cyber Risks in the Global Corporate Insurance Space

It doesn’t seem as though a day goes by without something hitting the news in terms of a ‘cyber-attack’, so understanding the likely risks that companies face and how best to prevent these and the necessary insurance to support that activity, is becoming critically important. Our clients were keen to understand how large corporates were …

Perception Study

A new management team had been appointed by our client and they wanted to understand how their business was viewed by its key customers. We carried out an intensive period of interviews with the leaders of their customers – completing 22 interviews across the London, European, US and Asian markets. The results were presented to …

Social Listening

Being part of a larger marketing agency allowed us to draw in additional resources to help support a new and exciting challenge from a client. They wanted to really understand more about the key segments of their SME target audience and the current risks and business factors that they were talking about and were of …

Proposition Research

As part of a planned expansion in our client’s underwriting capabilities, we undertook a detailed research programme with brokers to find out more about the needs of their customers – future risks, plans for business expansion etc, and helped our client then build and benchmark their new proposition to cater for the actual needs of …